
Tankless Water Heater

Rather than keeping water hot all the time, like storage tank models do, Tankless Water Heater heats the water only when you turn on a faucet. When the flow sensor detects water running, it activates a control panel to start heating with either an electric element or gas burner. To calculate the startup cost, add up purchase and installation expenses, then subtract your monthly energy savings to get the payback period.

Water Heater

Denver Tankless Water Heater can cost more to install than a traditional tank system, depending on the size of the unit, its fuel type and location. The brand can also impact costs, with some having more affordable options than others. In addition, installation fees can add up if a plumber has to reroute gas lines or upgrade the home’s electrical system.

When shopping for a new water heater, ask your potential plumbers about their installation charges. Then, compare those charges to other local plumbers’ rates. Look for a plumber who offers clear pricing information and excellent customer service. Be wary of any plumber who seems evasive when it comes to pricing questions or refuses to offer a firm price estimate before starting work.

In general, point-of-use tankless heaters have lower installation costs than whole-house models. However, the price difference can be significant if you choose a highly energy-efficient model that requires more electrical or plumbing work to install.

You should also consider the location where you live, as colder climates often require additional insulation for pipes to prevent freezing and thawing, adding to installation expenses. Moreover, installing a gas-powered tankless heater requires running a gas line to the house, so this increases labor costs compared to electric units.

A professional plumber should also be able to provide you with an accurate installation cost, including any applicable permits. This is important because the permit requirements vary from region to region. Lastly, it’s important to know that any attempts to install a tankless water heater yourself can void the manufacturer’s warranty. Therefore, it’s essential to work with a qualified plumber who can ensure that your tankless water heater is installed properly and within the manufacturer’s specifications.

It’s best to hire a licensed and insured plumber who has extensive experience with water heater installations. They should be able to assess your situation and help you select the right size unit for your needs. Then they’ll complete the necessary installation steps and ensure that everything is working as it should. For example, they’ll make sure the unit is sized properly to provide enough hot water for your household while minimizing energy consumption. In addition, they’ll test the unit after installation to ensure that it is functioning correctly.

Energy Efficiency

Many homeowners choose to install a Tankless Water Heater because of its high energy efficiency rating. These units eliminate the standby heat loss of traditional storage tanks that is common with gas units, so a lot more of your energy goes into heating water and nothing else.

The heat exchangers in a tankless unit are only activated when you run a hot water tap or use another appliance that needs it. They can be fueled by natural gas, propane or electricity and use more than 98% of the energy supplied to them to actually heat the water. They also are smaller than storage tank water heaters, which makes them a good choice for homes with limited space.

If you’re in the market for a new tankless water heater, it’s important to know that there are two types of models: non-condensing and condensing. The former are less expensive to purchase but can be pricier to install, since they require a different venting system to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. If you already have a ventilation system that can be used, then a non-condensing tankless model may be a good option.

Both models are more efficient than storage tank units, but the most cost-effective choice for you will depend on whether your home or business has access to natural gas or if it uses electrical power instead. In addition, the type of water you have and the climate and geography where you live will influence the temperature rise needed to get hot water from your pipes.

A gas-powered tankless water heater can deliver between 5.5 and 7.5 gallons per minute (GPM), which is sufficient for most households. Electric models can produce up to 2 GPM. The flow rate required can vary based on how many appliances and fixtures you have running at the same time, but the beauty of this type of system is that it can be sized to meet your demands.

One downside of a tankless water heater is that it takes some time to heat up the water when you turn on a hot water tap or use an appliance that requires it. However, this can be offset by the fact that you’ll never run out of hot water.


The installation process of a tankless water heater involves the removal of the old unit and its connections. It also includes the replacement of a vent line for gas units and an exhaust pipe for electric units. This is a job for professionals, as it requires the use of special tools and knowledge of the plumbing code. It is important to ensure that the pipes are tightly connected to prevent leakage. Afterward, a plumber can test the system for proper operation by running hot water through each outlet. If the system is leak-free, it is ready to be used.

A thorough inspection is essential after a new tankless water heater is installed to make sure it’s functioning correctly. First, carefully inspect the electrical wiring to ensure it’s secure and not showing any signs of damage or corrosion. It’s a good idea to use a voltage tester during this step. It’s also a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and local electrical codes when connecting the wires. Once all the connections are secure, it’s time to reattach the cover and turn on the circuit breaker.

Depending on the model of the tankless water heater, different parts may need to be replaced during the installation process. For example, some models require a larger receptacle for the power cord, while others need a specific type of terminal to connect the power supply wires. Moreover, the wiring should be of the right amperage to prevent overheating. It is also a good idea to check the electrical panel to ensure that it can accommodate the new water heater’s load.

When choosing a plumber for the installation of a tankless water heater, homeowners should look for professional credentials and exceptional customer service. For instance, homeowners should choose a plumber who offers a clear estimate and does not hesitate to answer questions about pricing. In addition, they should also find out if the plumber is licensed and insured. It is a good idea to interview several plumbers before making a decision. It is worth mentioning that some online tools can help homeowners get an accurate estimate of the installation costs of a tankless water heater. These calculators take into account a number of factors, including the size and location of the home, the type of fuel, and the brand and model of the tankless water heater.


Regular maintenance is crucial to the longevity and efficiency of a tankless water heater. This includes flushing the unit, cleaning the air intake filter, and identifying issues early on to prevent costly repairs. It is recommended that homeowners create a dedicated maintenance fund to help cover these costs. One way to do this is to set aside 1% of the tankless water heater’s initial cost annually.

Some repair costs are not as obvious as others, but all should be factored into your budget. These costs may include routine maintenance and emergency repairs, as well as parts and labor. In addition, it is important to consider factors that can increase or decrease repair costs. For example, the location of your tankless water heater can impact maintenance costs, as it may be more difficult or expensive to access the unit.

The most common repair is to replace the water heater’s circuit board, which can cost between $45 and $200 per hour. Another common repair is to replace the anode rods, which can cost $25 to $50. It is also a good idea to install a pressure relief valve, which can reduce the risk of leaks and minimize energy consumption.

Another major maintenance task for a tankless water heater is flushing, which can help to reduce the amount of hard-water scale and other mineral deposits that build up on the unit. This can lead to improved efficiency and higher hot water capacity. It is also a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the flushing schedule. If you have trouble understanding the recommended schedule, it is advisable to seek professional guidance.

Finally, it is important to note that a tankless water heater requires an uninterrupted gas supply. If the gas line is damaged or not properly installed, it can cause a variety of problems. For example, the water heater will not operate properly, and the homeowner may experience lukewarm or cold water. In some cases, the gas line will need to be replaced entirely.

In the event that your tankless water heater needs repairs, it is best to contact a professional plumber. This will ensure that the job is done correctly and safely. You should also ask for a quote from multiple plumbers to get the best price.