
Personal Training For Men – How to Find a Workout Routine That Works for Your Busy Schedule

Men who have a hard time motivating themselves can find personal training to be a valuable asset. Personal trainers can help men find a workout routine that works for their busy schedules and keeps them motivated.

personal training

Using a trainer can help clients avoid exercise boredom, says Meredith. A trainer often recommends exercise variations so that the same workouts stay exciting. Click to learn more.

Whether you want to gain mass or tone up, the right trainer can help you achieve your goals. The best trainers listen to their clients and consider what’s important to them. If you want a lean body, find a trainer specializing in that training area, like a bodybuilder or bikini contest winner.

A good personal trainer can also help you improve your strength, perceived exertion during workouts, and workout intensity. They can guide you through various exercises to help you feel your strengths and weaknesses. This can increase your workout intensity and push you to work harder in each session.

While many people think that strength training is reserved for professional athletes, having a healthy and active lifestyle is vital. It can help you manage your weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and injuries, and enhance your quality of life.

It’s a great way to increase your strength, improve your balance, and reduce the risk of falling and injury as you age. However, you should talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you smoke, have a health condition, or are overweight.

Having specific, realistic goals for your fitness level can help keep you motivated. A personal trainer can help you develop these goals and track your progress. They can also recommend other healthy activities like walking, swimming, or yoga. It’s a good idea to find a trainer who is knowledgeable about your condition and can answer questions about medications, diet, and other issues that may affect your exercise program. You can check a trainer’s knowledge by asking questions or checking their certifications.

When a man exercises, his heart rate and breathing increase. This is because the cardiovascular system has to move more blood and oxygen to meet exercise demands. The more challenging the exercise and the longer it lasts, the greater the demand placed on the cardiovascular system. This is what is referred to as cardio or endurance training.

Personal trainers need to be able to plan and implement a suitable cardiovascular exercise program for their clients. They also need to be able to monitor and evaluate the client’s progress and adjust the programs as required.

Research has shown that men who work with a trainer are more likely to exercise regularly than those who do not. This is because a personal trainer can help them develop a positive benefit-to-concern ratio, improve their confidence in their ability to exercise despite time constraints (scheduling self-efficacy), and achieve better workout intensity and perceived exertion during exercise.

Maintaining a consistent schedule is one of the biggest challenges for men who exercise regularly. Research shows that men who miss just one day of a weekly workout are more likely to skip the next, and so on. This creates a vicious cycle that can be hard to break. A personal trainer can help keep you on track. He can offer support and guidance through online coaching, videos, remote support, and bi-weekly in-person sessions to get you through the rough patches.

The PTs participating in the study agreed that clients need advice on healthy and unhealthy behaviors regarding diet and exercise from a gender perspective. However, they did not consider it their responsibility to do so because male clients often enter fitness gyms with masculine values and are seen as more capable of dealing with the high demands.

In addition, the PTs in the study reported low levels of modern nutritional qualification. Moreover, they often used non-medical sources for nutrition advice and needed to be more confident about their knowledge. Trainers who did not hold any of the two specific certifications ranked lower in their nutrition confidence than those with an ACSM or NSCA certification.

When personal training for men, it is important to help them find the motivation to maintain their health and fitness. This isn’t always easy and requires extra skills that many trainers may not have. However, some simple tips can help keep male clients motivated throughout their workout routines and on the path to success.

Creating a supportive environment can make it easier for personal trainers to motivate their clients. When clients feel safe and supported, they are more likely to take risks and challenge themselves. This can lead to greater results and a more satisfied client.

In addition to providing a supportive environment, personal trainers must be good listeners. This is especially true for new clients, who may hesitate to open up about their goals and concerns. Trainers need to listen to these concerns and then provide feedback that is empowering and encourages the client.

Men are more likely to stick with their exercise regimen if they have a long-term vision. This can prevent them from getting discouraged when they don’t see immediate results. It’s also important for trainers to remind clients of the benefits they will experience over time, such as improved health and increased self-esteem.

One of the most effective ways to motivate a client is to provide positive reinforcement. This can be done through verbal praise or simply acknowledging a client’s hard work and progress. This can give them the confidence they need to push through and continue working towards their goals.

  1. Avoid negative motivational techniques.

Negative motivational techniques can backfire and cause a client to lose their motivation. When a personal trainer uses techniques like screaming or belittling their clients, it can harm their mental and physical well-being. In addition, these techniques can cause a client to lose trust in their trainer and ultimately stop exercising.


Tennis Elbow Treatment

Many people with mild tennis elbow symptoms can relieve their pain by resting the arm and taking over-the-counter painkillers. They can also try special stretching and strengthening exercises, or change the way they do activities that put strain on the arm. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, can ease mild pain and inflammation but should not be used long-term because of the risk of stomach problems.

Corticosteroid Injections

Tennis Elbow Treatment

A cortisone injection into the painful area of your elbow (lateral epicondylitis) can help decrease inflammation and pain for a few weeks. This may be enough to allow you to resume your usual activities and prevent the condition from recurring. However, the injection itself does not cure tennis elbow. Unless you modify the way you use your arm and wrist, the symptoms will likely return. For more information, visit this website at

Your doctor may perform a physical examination of the affected area and order imaging tests, such as an MRI or an ultrasound, to confirm the diagnosis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can ease mild pain and swelling. These can be taken as pills or applied as gels or creams.

A physical therapist can help you stretch and strengthen the affected muscles and recommend ways to change your work or leisure activities to prevent overuse of your wrist and arm. This may include using a splint or wrap to decrease stress on the injured tendons. Acupuncture can also help with pain.

If your pain continues to persist, your doctor may inject the affected tendon with a steroid. The most common steroid used for this purpose is a corticosteroid, which can reduce inflammation and pain. This injection is usually given with an anesthetic and guided by ultrasound imaging. A number of studies have compared the effectiveness of different injections and of a placebo (a saline injection) for tennis elbow. However, none of these studies showed that any injection was superior to a saline injection.

Although a cortisone shot can temporarily reduce the pain of inflammation, it cannot heal a tendon at the cellular level. In fact, there is evidence that a cortisone shot actually inhibits the growth of healthy tendon cells.

A newer treatment, called platelet-rich plasma (PRP), involves drawing a blood sample from your arm and then spinning it to separate the platelets. These contain many healing proteins and other substances. Your doctor then uses this blood to inject into the affected area of your elbow. Some studies have shown that PRP can be effective in treating refractory tennis elbow and other musculoskeletal injuries.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

The elbow joint is held together by three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus) and two bones in the forearm (radius and ulna). The outside of the elbow has a bony bump called the lateral epicondyle, where several muscles of the forearm start their course. Tennis elbow is caused by an irritation of the tendons attached to the lateral epicondyle, which results in chronic tendinitis. Symptoms include pain on the outside of the elbow and often also on the back of the hand.

Usually the condition is treated with self-help techniques and over-the-counter painkillers, although your GP may refer you to a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist can teach you how to modify the way you move your wrist and arm to reduce the strain on the tendons, which will help with your symptoms. They can also recommend exercises to strengthen the muscles around the painful area.

Another treatment option for tennis elbow is platelet-rich plasma injections. This involves taking a sample of blood from the patient, then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets. These are then injected into the painful area of the elbow under ultrasound guidance. It is a relatively new technique, but early studies indicate that it can provide significant pain relief for patients with tennis elbow.

The injections contain healing proteins, including growth factors, which can stimulate the body’s natural repair processes to heal the tendons. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. It is not a quick fix, and will take some time before you will see any benefits. But the good news is that it is believed to be a safe and effective treatment, as it is using your own blood so there is less risk of a reaction. The injections can be repeated as necessary, with the research suggesting that they work better the more times they are used. The only downside of this treatment is that it is very expensive compared with the other treatments, and may not be covered by insurance. However, it could be worth it if your other options do not give you any benefit or do not help you for several months.

Ultrasound Tenotomy

If you have persistent elbow pain after six to 12 months of nonsurgical treatments, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure called tenotomy. This involves cutting away damaged tissue in the affected tendon to relieve your pain and improve the function of the tendon. This surgery can be performed through a large incision or several small ones, depending on your situation.

An ultrasound tenotomy is a less invasive option for treating tennis elbow. In this procedure, your provider inserts a needle through the skin into your affected tendon and then uses ultrasound to guide the needle. The ultrasound waves vibrate the needle, causing it to cut into the affected area of your tendon and liquefy the damaged tissue. This is then suctioned out of your body.

Percutaneous ultrasound guided tenotomy is a simple procedure that can be done in your provider’s office. Your provider will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around your injured tendon. They will then use a special needle to poke into the tendon and either break up or remove any damaged parts of the tendon. The needle is removed and your provider will then apply a bandage to the area.

The pain from this procedure will usually go away within a few days. Your doctor will typically recommend that you work with a physical therapist after this procedure to help your arm heal and teach you techniques to prevent future injuries. They can help you do range of motion and strength training exercises that will encourage the healing process.

Some patients who have a tenotomy experience symptoms returning, especially if they continue to overuse their injured tendons. This can happen if they repeat a specific motion for their job or as part of an activity or sport. If this happens, your doctor may recommend that you have another tenotomy procedure or a different type of surgical procedure.

Tenotomy can treat lots of issues with tendons throughout your body. It’s used after injuries and to fix health conditions that damage tendons. These procedures are safe, quick, and effective at relieving your pain and improving the condition of your tendons.


Many adults get tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, a condition that develops when tendons repeatedly strain. They may develop microtears that lead to inflammation and pain where they attach to bone. These symptoms often happen when lifting or bending the wrist (like opening a jar or gripping something).

People with tennis elbow can find relief with rest, pain medicines and physical therapy. But they may need a procedure or surgery if those treatments don’t help or their pain gets in the way of daily activities.

Doctors diagnose this condition by asking about the person’s past health and doing a physical exam of the elbow and wrist. They may also use a pressure sensor to measure the force of the pain and an imaging test to check for damage.

Treatments for this condition include over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as heat or cold packs to reduce swelling. Doctors may recommend a splint or brace that wraps around the elbow to take pressure off the tendon. They may also inject corticosteroid medicine to decrease inflammation. In some cases, doctors use ultrasound to break up scar tissue and encourage healing.

A study published in the journal “Physicology” in February 2018 found that people with persistent tennis elbow who underwent an MRI and a platelet-rich plasma injection experienced the best recovery, including the least amount of pain. Platelet-rich plasma is a type of blood that contains healing platelets, which can be separated from the sampled blood. Doctors can then inject the mixture into the affected area.

Several studies have shown that a combination of rest, physical therapy and the injections can improve the condition in about half of patients with persistent pain. But the injections are not widely available in doctors’ offices, and they can cost $500 or more.

For most people with this condition, surgery is a last resort. They might have a surgical procedure called lateral epicondyle release surgery, which involves removing the damaged part of the tendon and reattaching it to the bone. This operation usually takes place in an outpatient facility, and the person can return to most activities within a few weeks.

Guide to Beauty

Your Guide to Beauty, Food, Fitness, and Diet

Developed by celebrity makeup artist and beauty educator Terri Bryant, Guide Beauty is founded on the principle of accessible beauty. After experiencing a loss of dexterity in her hands due to Parkinson’s, she realized the need for tools that are more user-friendly and developed her line.

The first step to defining YOUR unique beauty style is understanding what fashion styles appeal to you the most. This will help you identify what skincare/makeup products may work best for YOU!

Define Your Unique Beauty Style

Knowing your beauty style can help you create looks that truly make you feel beautiful. It can also give you confidence when experimenting with new products or styles. Whether you’re looking to try the latest trend or just want to keep it simple, there’s a beauty style for everyone!

There are many different ways to define your beauty style, but one of the best ways to start is by figuring out what types of makeup and skincare appeal to you. You can do this by assessing what types of clothes and accessories you tend to gravitate towards as well as considering which colors you enjoy wearing.

You can also look at the types of beauty looks that you admire and would like to emulate. If you love the glamorous style of Hollywood’s golden age, for example, there are plenty of guides and tutorials that can teach you how to recreate that look. It’s important to remember, however, that there is no right or wrong way to express your beauty style. As long as it makes you happy, that’s all that matters!

Defining your unique beauty style is something that can take time to discover. But with a little patience and some practice, you can create a look that suits you perfectly!

When celebrity makeup artist and beauty educator Terri Bryant began to experience loss of dexterity in her hands due to Parkinson’s, she knew she needed to create a brand that would make makeup accessible for anyone. Along with Chief Creative Officer Selma Blair, she founded Guide Beauty to develop a culture of broader inclusion through universal design. The result is an award-winning line of beauty tools that are easier to use for a variety of users, from those learning new techniques to the professionals on set. They feature integrated stability points for a more balanced hand position, ergonomic forms that are easier to open and hold, approachable applicator tips, and clean, cruelty-free formulas.

Know Your Skin Type/Color Palette

When shopping for beauty products, it’s easy to fall for a color at the counter that looks great on another person but doesn’t flatter your own complexion. The reason for this may have to do with your skin’s undertone, which is the natural color beneath the surface of your skin.

To determine your skin’s undertone, lift up your wrist and examine the veins on the inside of your arm in natural light. If your veins appear greenish, you have a warm complexion, while blue or purple veins mean you have cool undertones. Keeping this in mind when choosing colors for your makeup and wardrobe can help you avoid the common frustration of picking out shades that don’t flatter your complexion.

Aside from determining your basic coloring, you can also use makeup to highlight your best features or create a more dramatic look. When it comes to deciding which makeup styles appeal to you most, start by exploring fashion trends that interest you, then build on your style from there. Once you know your unique beauty style, it’s easier to find makeup and skincare products that match, while building confidence in experimenting with new looks.

Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Terri Bryant, a former celebrity makeup artist and beauty educator, created Guide Beauty to provide makeup tools that make it easier for people of all abilities to create a wide variety of looks – no matter their skin tone or underlying coloring. Her innovative, patented designs combine the principles of Universal Design with ergonomic forms that increase stability, encourage balanced arm posture and allow for a relaxed grip.

For example, Guide’s foundation brush and eyeshadow palette have been designed to be easily opened with one hand and include multiple stabilization points to reduce shaking while applying. This helps to reduce the fear of accidental pokes or the struggle to apply makeup with precision. The brushes are easy to open, with soft handles and approachable applicator tips that allow you to make a full range of movements with ease. The result is a fresh line of accessible, beautiful and high-quality beauty tools that are making a big impact on the industry as a whole and encouraging a broader culture of inclusion through universal design.

Try New Looks & Products

Vernitta (“Ninahwee”) Weddles’s debut book is more than a makeup artist’s guide. It’s a warm, wise little book that feels like sitting down with an old friend who wants nothing more than to see you succeed. With an attention to detail that only true artists can master, Own Your Beauty is the kind of guide you’ll turn to year after year as your career and life evolves. GUIDE Beauty, led by Founder Terri Bryant and Chief Creative Officer Selma Blair, is developing a culture of broader inclusion through Universal Design by bringing joy to makeup users with ergonomic tools and forgiving-but-luxurious formulas.

Don’t be Afraid to Experiment

At Guide Beauty we believe everyone’s beauty style is unique and that it is important to experiment with looks/products to find what works for you. When experimenting, remember that the most important thing is to have fun and to celebrate YOU! Whether you are a beginner learning new techniques or a seasoned professional, we hope our tips will help inspire you to explore the world of beauty and discover YOUR own unique beauty style!

A stroll through the beautysphere these days can be pretty intimidating. You don’t have to venture far without seeing a skull and crossbones, a neon-green overlay, or microscopic images of what appears to be mold – “watch out for the demon paraben!” “beware the dread pirate phthalates!” “big beauty is out to get you!”.